miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

Bachelors Apology

How is it I can not enjoy
life's theater and school - a boy
Who gently walks the everglades
and marvels how all things are made
Who dwells inside a manly frame
and willingly divides the blame
Refusing women without shame
for trying to put in a claim
When all between us being clear
there are indeed some grounds for fear
To play a game that has no rules
Who'll be the slave, who'll be the fool?

How she prepares her hook and bait
in hoping she's not come too late
Now looking to fulfill a dream
she's got her eyes on me it seems
I'll tell you something lady fair
you'll never see me climb those stairs
I hear no music in the air
no scent of flowers anywhere
I see no reason to engage
in foolish love - a man my age
How is it I can not be charmed
by eager purpose so well armed?

3 comentarios:

  1. Very beauitful poem of your special heart and soul, I likeThank you for share with UsUNA ROSA Y MILTONDe las generaciones de las rosasQue en el fondo del tiempo se han perdidoQuiero que una se salve del olvido,Una sin marca o signo entre las cosasQue fueron. El destino me deparaEste don de nombrar por vez primeraEsa flor silenciosa, la postreraRosa que Milton acercó a su cara,Sin verla. Oh tú bermeja o amarillaO blanca rosa de un jardín borrado,Deja mágicamente tu pasadoInmemorial y en este verso brilla,Oro, sangre o marfil o tenebrosaComo en sus manos, invisible rosa.*Jose Luis Borges

  2. Thank you, Dasha. I like this poetry blog very much:)

  3. I'm glad for it dear BjornWelcome my friend and enjoying
