viernes, 7 de junio de 2013

The Unnamed Blah

These are my secrets
you'll never know, this
hurt I can't show, so I'll
burn this page just like
all those times before,
it's all the same there
and here, a tear is shed
a smile is cracked the
secret remains,
entrenched in this
heart, enveloping those
bitter aspects of this
bleeding past, A haze of
confusion lingering
nothing makes sense,
not these invisible
words on this crumpled
up page, not these bare
thoughts with this
empty smile, glazed
over eyes forget what
is and focus on what
was and now the
words fail to sum it all
up, line upon line of
broken thoughts, a
chain reaction of a
mistaken path...
- Ilse Hill

8 comentarios:

  1. thank you mr. Krayem for your silent appreciation to these weoven words..

  2. the silence is GOLD ..............................................................

  3. very nice feeling SagarThank you

  4. thank you miss beautiful rose.
