sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

Admire From Afar

I admire from afar
Your charm and your grace
Only from afar, I will admire
For we have not shared but two words
I do not know you and you do not know I
Though I feel like I know you in some indescribable way
A way in which is unspoken
A way in only admirers may know
It will go no further than admiring
But, sometimes I like to dream
Dream that one day, we should meet
Dream that one day, I may admire
Not from afar but up close
Not only admire the beauty I see
But the faults I know you have
I want to admire all of you
But that is only a dream
So, for now
I will admire from afar
I will see what I see
And dream what I dream

Rosie Wisniewski · Nov 5, 2011

4 comentarios:

  1. amazingly beautiful amiga mia dasha :) wishing you and all u love a beautiful weekend filled with love and happiness :)

  2. Thank you my dear friend DanI wishing you a wonderful sundayand new week filled with lave and happiness ....Gracias amigo mio :love:

  3. Thank you dear Sagar
